Wednesday, 11 October 2017

B-Toy visits our school

Andrea B-Toy is an artist from the MIAU, Fanzara. 
She uses a technique called stencil art (estèncil o estarcillo).
She is participating in a project with our school. She is going to paint a wall with one of her great drawings. 

We have been very lucky!


What does she do?

What materials does she use?

Which technique does she use?

Where does she paint?

Do you like her artwork?
                                                                                         Stencil technique


  1. Nosotros estuvimos hace poco y nos encantaron las pinturas, Tomás alucinó.

    1. Tendremos la suerte de tener pintando a esta artista la semana del 13 al 17 de noviembre. Hará un mural en la pared exterior del gimnasio :) Nuestro cole ha sido uno de los 12 elegidos en Castellón para participar en un proyecto del ayuntamiento junto con el MIAU de Fanzara. Seguro que estará súper chulo!!
