Sunday, 4 November 2018

Participació al concurs: Regala el teu dibuix

L'alumnat de segon i tercer cicle de primària ha participat al concurs "Regala el Teu Dibuix" organitzat per la ONG Amnistia Internacional a Castellò. 
El treball consistia en representar mitjançant un dibuix els drets de les xiquetes i de les dones al voltant del món. 
El dibuix guanyador es convertirà en una targeta postal per part d'aquesta organització que podrà ser enviada. 
Ací teniu algunes mostres molt interessants:

Fall dotted landscape

In year 4 we are learning about elements of art. The first element is the DOT. Students haved created a "Fall dotted landscape".
Here you can see some of them:

We have also used felt tip pens and warm colours.
Do you like it?


Almost 200 hundred Jack O'Lanterns arrived to school for Halloween.
They were absolutely spooky and scary. 
English teachers were very happy for the participation and interest showed by all the families.
Thank you very much!
Katrina, our English language assisstant talked to all students in school about the tradition of Halloween in America. 

How do you celebrate Halloween?